British Values at CtS
As a school we understand that values are an essential tool in developing the character of our pupils, and as such all members of the CtS family live and promote both British Values and our school Christian values every single day in all that they do. We further reinforce this by ensuring that they are built into our CARE Cultural curriculum offer so that children learn their importance and impact that they can have on their lives.
Here are some examples of how we promote British Values in school on a day-to-day basis:
What does Democracy look like at CtS?:
- We have a School Council with members from all classes across school.
- The Council meets regularly and in the meetings the children’s views and ideas are sought, and they help make decisions and then feedback to their classes.
- They also collect class views which they bring to their meetings and are involved in fund-raising for the school.
- We have an elected school ECO-Warriors club that makes decisions about the carbon footprint of our school, and works with the ODBST on reducing our emissions in line with our commitments.
- We have elected House Captains and a Head Boy and Head Girl from Year 6 who fulfil their roles each year following a comprehensive election process that includes an application letter, interview and speech.
What does The Rule of Law look like at CtS?:
- Children are taught from Nursery about CARE and the rules of our school. Pupils are taught the value of and reasons behind CARE and the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules are broken.
- We have a variety of rewards when children uphold CARE and show a committed approach to learning and behaviour. This includes the opportunity to be in the Golden Book, stickers, House Points, DOJO points, Golden Certificates, Behaviour Champion Badges and CARE rewards. These show children the rules are valued that by keeping them they will be rewarded.
- Our Behaviour Policy is underpinned by our CARE value of 'Reflection' and children are invited to reflect on their behaviour and make amends when they have broken one of our school rules, been unkind or disrupted learning for their peers. This route is always followed, even when an additional consequence is needed for more serious incidents. We understand that children are learning to follow rules and so we adapt our curriculum as necessary to respond to behaviour incidents that occur from time to time.
What does Individual Liberty look like at CtS?:
- Choices are one of our CARE values and therefore have a high profile in school.
- Children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supported environment.
- Through our work we discuss different choices that the children can make and encourage them to make the right choices.
- Children are actively encouraged to have a voice in school, we gather their opinions on school life on a regular basis, and they are encouraged to raise issues through our School Council.
- We look at E-safety and the importance of making safe choices when online.
- Through our Behaviour Policies, children are encouraged to make reparation when they have broken a rule, and they are supported to make the right choice, by being honest, saying sorry and making amends
What does Mutual Respect look like at CtS?:
- Respect is one of our school values. Everyone is valued and has a contribution to make at our school.
- We regularly celebrate our wonderful diversity in school.
- Children are taught that their behaviours have an impact on their own rights and those of others.
- The children and staff work with other schools and with the local community which develops their respect for others.
- We learn about how to be respectful through collective worship, and the wider curriculum.
- We take part in Anti-bullying week, Show Racism the Red Card Day and Online Safety Week to teach our pupils how to show respect to others.
What does Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs look like at CtS?:
- All different faiths and beliefs are explored and celebrated through assemblies, RE lessons and through a variety of visitors into school.
- The children are taught that people have different faiths and beliefs and that these should be accepted. Children within our school with different faiths are encouraged to share their practices and special celebrations
- Our Collective Worship timetable is carefully aligned to our school values and underpinned by CARE, and our Christian school values and British Values.